Find Signals That Close Deals

Use this calculator to find how many signals or early indicators that can surface potential deals you otherwise may have missed can be surfaced with a relationship intelligence platform.
Number of Team Members: How many people are in your firm’s deal team?
Size of Network: How many contacts are in your network?
Number of Signals Per Contact: How many signals (job changes, investments, mentions). Average: 1 signal per 2 contacts.
Percent of Legitimate Signals: Signals that can lead you to reach out to a certain company. Average: 10%
Percent of Hard to Discover Signals: Signals that can only be discovered with relationship intelligence technology. Average: 10 to 20%
Number of Team Members
Size of Network
Number of Signals Per Contact / Year
% Legitimate Signals
% Unique/Hard To Discover Signals
Number of New Signals

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