Gallos Tech

William Kilmer, GP at GALLOS, shares how 4Degrees transformed their operations by streamlining deal flow management, enhancing investor relations, and replacing cumbersome spreadsheets.

"4Degrees has helped us to be both more efficient and also more disciplined in the way that we approach our deal flow and investor relations. The platform's ability to dynamically assess deals and provide comprehensive market insights has been invaluable"


Before 4Degrees, GALLOSmanaged their deal flow and investor relations through multiple staticspreadsheets, which took time and effort. Thismanual process hindered their ability todynamically assess deals and maintaineffective communication with investors.


GALLOS needed a platform to streamline operations, minimize manual data entry, provide actionable information for better decision-making, and enhance communication with investors and companies.


4Degrees has improved GALLOSefficiency by streamlining the deal flow processes while enhancing investorcommunication with timely updates and market insights, resulting in better decision-makingcapabilities.

The Challenge

Before adopting 4Degrees, GALLOS 's reliance on spreadsheets for managing deal flow and investor relations proved inefficient and cumbersome. Kilmer explained that their processes involved manually maintaining separate spreadsheets for tracking companies and managing investor lists.

"Our status before was a series of spreadsheets where we maintained both our deal flow and companies we had been talking to, as well as separate ones for our investor list,". "This method was static and did not allow for a comprehensive view of the markets or the companies we interacted with. We needed a platform that could streamline our operations and enhance our communication with investors and companies."

Kilmer also highlighted the inefficiencies of their previous system: "Spread sheets were just too static. It was either something we hid or showed, and we would put some checkboxes in place and fields to fill out. But there wasn't a comprehensive way for us to look at our deal flow and how companies were progressing through that pipeline."

The Solution

After evaluating several vendors, GALLOS chose 4Degrees due to its comprehensive features explicitly designed for venture capital firms. 4Degrees offered the automation and enhancement of workflows that GALLOS was seeking.

By implementing 4Degrees, GALLOS transitioned from static spreadsheets to adynamic platform. This change allowed Kilmer's team to effectively track and assess deals in real-time by utilizing 4Degrees' powerful data enrichment features to automatically pull and update information about companies, saving time and ensuring that their data was accurate and up to date.

"We wanted to get our data into a platform where we could better manage our deal flow and, in particular, be able to gain a more comprehensive view of the markets and the different companies that we had talked to," Kilmer stated. "4Degrees allowed us to dynamically assess deals and progress them through the process, which was crucial for us."

On the investor relations front, 4Degrees enabled GALLOS to segment its investors better. "We maintain a strong partnership with our investors, focused on helping to keep them informed of the types of security innovation we're seeing," Kilmer explained. "4Degrees has been essential for us to stay in contact with them and update them on a regular basis."

The Results

Since adopting 4Degrees,GALLOS has experienced significant improvements in its operations. They have streamlined their deal flow processes, reduced reliance on spreadsheets, and adopted a more disciplined approach to managing deals and investor relations.

Communication with investorshas also improved, with enhanced engagement through timely updates and marketinsights, strengthening partnerships. Additionally, GALLOS has leveraged4Degrees to gain comprehensive views of market trends and companies, aiding inbetter decision-making.

GALLOS is a London-based venture capital firm and venture studio specializing in security innovation ,investing, and building high-potential early-stage security startups based on cutting-edge technologies. It offers a unique blend of VC funding and hands-on company building, nurturing an ecosystem for innovation and growth. Its investments span from seed stage funding to Series A and B rounds.

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