Venture Capital

How to Choose The Right Venture Capital CRM

Last Updated:
January 9, 2024

As a venture capital investor, you are in the business of building long-term relationships. Whether you focus on small seed-stage deals or larger growth equity investments, who and how well you know them matters.

The stronger your relationships with entrepreneurs, startups, LPs, other investors, etc., the more you can improve your firm’s deal flow while providing the most value to your portfolio companies.

Selecting the right venture capital customer relationship management software (CRM) is crucial for your firm to remain competitive and punch above its weight.

The right CRM for venture capital should increase your team’s productivity and investment management process by accelerating every stage of the investment lifecycle and minimizing manual data entry. This will allow your team to focus on cultivating meaningful relationships and closing deals.

Unfortunately, most VC firms still rely on bloated and outdated Excel spreadsheets or clunky sales-focused CRM systems that are not designed for venture capital investors.

Traditional CRM systems are not designed to nurture deep relationships or cultivate referrals. Instead, they serve as transactional instruments that assist sales professionals in streamlining the sales process by guiding prospects down a linear sales funnel.

Transactional sales outreach and linear relationships differ significantly from the long-term collaborative relationships you are trying to build and foster as a venture capitalist. Investing millions in a high-tech venture is unlike closing a sale; it requires a deeper personal connection and chemistry with the founders and the team. You should not treat long-term relationships as a sales funnel to execute.

To stay ahead in the highly competitive venture capital market, you need a system built for your unique workflows and processes that gives you complete visibility across your firm’s deal pipeline and your ever-evolving relationship networks, a concept we call Relationship intelligence.

What is a Venture Capital CRM, and How is it Different from Other CRMs?

According to Salesforce, a Customer Relationship Management platform is “a tool that helps with contact management, sales management, agent productivity, and profitability. Yet, as an investor, you do not have customers in the traditional sense, nor are you managing support agents or a transactional sales process. So why would you pay for a bloated CRM system loaded with unnecessary features your team will never use?

It is no secret that most CRM implementations fail because of a misalignment between the platform’s functionality and the firm’s needs. You need a platform that works with your existing processes without adding extra layers of complexity.

The first step of implementing a CRM system is selecting the platform that solves the specific pain points unique to your firm and industry. Well-known generic CRMs such as Salesforce, Hubspot, and project management tools will only result in a costly and lengthy implementation while failing to bring any material value to your team. You need a system to improve deal sourcing, pipeline, investor relationships, and portfolio management.

Enter the venture capital CRM; this software category is more than just your standard Excel spreadsheet or contact management database. Venture capital CRMs have been designed from the ground up to address VC use cases, allowing firms to integrate them seamlessly into their existing processes.

Let’s explore the unique features and benefits of a venture capital CRM system.

Unique Features of a Venture Capital CRM

Automating Manual Data Entry: A typical venture capital deal consists of hundreds or thousands of email, phone, virtual, and in-person interactions, and VCs should not spend hours creating and updating contact or deal records in the CRM. Instead, records should be automatically created, updated, and enriched with a data enrichment system.

Pipeline Management and Visibility: VC firms are concurrently working on sophisticated deals with multiple stakeholders. This is very different from a transactional deal, where the main focus is to close a sale.

Unique Reporting Capabilities: Reporting on a sales pipeline and customer support calls differs from reporting on deal sourcing or LP fundraising. Investors need access to powerful dashboards and metrics that help them track activities and uncover new opportunities.

Implementation and Adoption: VC investors are busy and do not have the time to go through months-long implementations and training programs. Team members should be able to replace Excel and other generic CRMs without disrupting their workflow by getting up and running in days, not months.

Benefits of a Venture Capital CRM

Many CRM providers can help teams automate tasks and conduct business development and other operations. These options range from the powerful Salesforce CRM to more niche players like Pipedrive CRM.

However, the common denominator is that they are not designed for venture capital or private equity firms. If you are serious about growing your firm, you must invest in the right technology, starting with a venture capital CRM.

Based on our experience working with hundreds of venture capital firms, these are the benefits our clients experience from using a VC CRM.

Leverage The Power of Your Relationship Networks

The most advanced venture capital customer relationship management (CRM) systems offer immediate insights into a firm’s network, helping to identify new opportunities, secure deals through warm introductions, and make better investment decisions.

VC CRMs centralize thousands of contacts, interactions, and data points, allowing teams to source and evaluate deals efficiently. For example, when searching for a niche expert while conducting due diligence, the CRM’s strength scoring algorithm can help you find the best internal contact for a warm introduction, bypassing the need for a cold email.

As a centralized hub, VC CRMs equipped with relationship intelligence technology provide real-time updates and notifications on contacts, including social media activity and online article mentions, thereby streamlining the relationship-building and follow-up process. This eliminates the need to sift through LinkedIn, emails, or outdated spreadsheets, allowing for more effective relationship management.

Easily Keep Track of All Deals With Deal Flow Management

A VC CRM system allows teams to efficiently manage venture capital deals’ complex and multi-faceted nature. The CRM streamlines workflows, making it easy to review thousands of potential deals each year without overlooking crucial details. It offers real-time status updates on ongoing transactions, in-depth communication, and action item tracking for each engagement, all within a single platform. This eliminates the need to toggle between various programs and keeps everything organized in one place.

A VC CRM also ensures that teams focus only on deals that align with their firm’s investment thesis. The CRM enables easy filtering of opportunities by offering customizable views, such as Kanban-style layouts, ensuring that teams can concentrate their time and resources on the most relevant and promising engagements- reducing the risk of lost opportunities due to oversight or disorganization.

Save Hundreds of Hours Per Year

A CRM system’s effectiveness heavily depends on the quality of the data it contains. Traditional CRMs often rely on manual data entry, a method prone to errors and omissions that can lead to miscommunication within the team and potentially harm the firm’s reputation. According to a Zapier survey, 76% of people spend 1-3 hours a day just transferring data, which diverts time from more valuable activities like building relationships.

Modern VC CRM platforms automate data capture by syncing with email platforms like Outlook and Gmail while enriching records with industry data from sources like PitchBook and CrunchBase. This minimizes manual data entry, keeping the database updated and accurate. Furthermore, centralized databases encourage collaborative efforts as all team members can access and update data in real-time.

Integrating the CRM into existing workflows and tech stacks, such as direct additions from inboxes or LinkedIn and automated syncing of files, can save hundreds of hours and significantly boost productivity and deal-making efficiency.

Insights and Analytics to Make You More Efficient

Using disparate tools like spreadsheets and calendars for managing VC investments results in a fragmented and inefficient system, often leading to outdated reports.

Without a unified platform, it becomes challenging to identify significant trends and optimize investment strategies. A specialized VC CRM centralizes data and offers customizable reporting features, providing real-time insights for crucial meetings and decision-making processes.

By adopting a CRM with advanced reporting capabilities, firms can answer vital questions about pipeline performance, investment opportunities, and deal statuses. Such a data-driven approach enables VC firms to identify where the most promising investments are coming from, thereby focusing on high-yield opportunities. This ultimately leads to more effective decision-making and better returns for limited partners (LPs).

Top 5 Best CRMs For Venture Capital Firms


Recognized as an industry-standard CRM, Salesforce is the largest and most well-known CRM platform. Its user base spans early-stage SaaS startups to manufacturing, healthcare, real estate, and technology companies. Its flexibility makes it a go-to repository for customer information, especially for traditional sales operations with straightforward sales funnels.

Venture capital firms may find using Salesforce as their CRM solution less than optimal for various reasons. Initially configured as a transactional CRM, Salesforce is geared more towards managing traditional sales pipelines, which may not fully meet the specific needs of venture capital operations. The platform also requires manual data entry for its deal and contact management features.

This requirement for manual input means that venture capital teams could end up allocating hundreds of hours each year to keep the system up to date. This time could be more effectively spent cultivating relationships and focusing on investment opportunities. Given these limitations, it’s worth considering other options before committing to Salesforce as a CRM tool for a venture capital firm.

If your firm is already using Salesforce and is looking to augment its capabilities by activating the power of your relationship network, consider the 4Degrees Salesforce module.


  • Highly Customizable: Salesforce offers a high degree of customization, enabling VC firms to modify the platform to align with their unique processes and requirements.
  • Scalability: The scalability of Salesforce makes it a viable option for expanding firms, as it can comfortably accommodate an increasing number of users and data.
  • Integration Capabilities: Salesforce can integrate with hundreds of tools a VC firm might use, including the 4Degrees Relationship Intelligence CRM.


  • Complexity: Salesforce comes with a broad range of features that, while beneficial for some, can be a drawback for VC firms that don’t require such extensive functionalities. The platform’s complexity may become more of an obstacle rather than an asset for simpler operations.
  • Cost: For smaller VC firms or those working within a limited budget, Salesforce can pose significant financial challenges. Licenses, customizations, consultants, and ongoing maintenance can make it cost-prohibitive.
  • Implementation: Due to its complexity, implementing Salesforce can be cumbersome and expensive. Some enterprises use high-priced consultants or full-time Salesforce developers to implement the system.


Affinity is a specialized CRM platform focused on relationship intelligence designed for deal-centric firms. It leverages proprietary technology to automate data entry, allowing firms to manage their relational networks and oversee their deal pipelines more effectively.

By seamlessly integrating with Gmail and Outlook, Affinity streamlines the data collection process, thus saving investment professionals significant time on manual data entry each year.

However, Affinity does have its limitations. The platform doesn’t offer real-time news and updates about user networks, making it challenging for investors to maintain active engagement with their contacts for relationship building. Additionally, data privacy is a concern since Affinity has a history of being quite liberal with sharing client data and doesn’t offer users complete control over how their data is distributed.

Users have also reported a couple of drawbacks concerning the platform’s additional features and pricing. To fully leverage its analytics capabilities, one has to purchase extra add-ons. Moreover, its cost is relatively high compared to similar products.


  • Relationship Intelligence: Allows VC firms to understand their connections and relationships better.
  • Customizable: The CRM can be customized to fit the needs of VC firms with little to no technical expertise.
  • Integration with Email and Calendar: Allows users to capture every interaction without manually entering data.


  • User Interface: This is not the easiest and navigable platform. Its UX seems outdated.
  • Feature Limitation: Some features are only available with the most expensive tiers compared to other platforms.


DealCloud is a SaaS CRM system designed for firms in the private markets. Private equity, M&A, commercial real estate, and other financial services firms across asset classes use DealCloud as their central source of truth to track deal flow, pipeline, and manage investor relations.

Similar to other CRMs for venture capital that lack relationship intelligence, teams must spend hundreds of hours per year manually entering contact, interaction, and deal data directly into the platform. Compared to more modern VC CRMs, with relationship intelligence that automatically syncs, creates, and enriches profiles with data from third-party sources, saving your team hundreds of hours per year.

Deploying DealCloud can be time-consuming and requires a fair share of manual work and data uploads that can only be done by their in-house professional services team. Most implementations can last from a few months to a year.

Once the system has been configured, most changes, APIs, and customizations must be done exclusively by their team, which adds an extra layer of complexity to the project.

Common complaints from DealCloud users include the following:
– The need to manually enter data into the system
– They are outdated and have a hard-to-navigate user interface
– A steep learning curve, especially if you are migrating from spreadsheets.

A different CRM might be better for your firm if you want a more modern and agile CRM platform that can be deployed quickly without spending thousands of dollars on implementations and professional services.


Navatar is a well-known CRM software developed on the Salesforce platform and has been widely adopted by firms in the private markets. This platform offers modules for deal tracking, pipeline management, business development, and project management.

Like several other systems in its category, Navatar operates as a conventional CRM. This means it doesn’t have the advanced automation and relationship intelligence features required to handle the intricate, long-term relationships often seen in VC transactions. Consequently, teams will spend hundreds of hours manually updating contact and deal records. The lack of relationship intelligence means your team will miss out on potential warm introductions that can result in more closed won deals.

Being a product built on Salesforce, Navatar offers the flexibility to integrate with countless apps available on the Salesforce App Exchange. You may need additional assistance from a Salesforce expert or an implementation partner to ensure the CRM ecosystem functions optimally and caters to your firm’s unique requirements.


4Degrees is a relationship intelligence CRM platform for venture capital teams founded by ex-VC investors.

As a full-featured CRM, 4Degrees CRM empowers your team with the flexibility to view your deal pipeline either as a list or in a Kanban format, ensuring you’re always informed about each deal’s progress. Its capability to seamlessly sync with Microsoft Exchange and Gmail automatically logs all your interactions without manually entering data.

Furthermore, by integrating with top-tier data providers like Pitchbook and Crunchbase, 4Degrees enhances contact information, positioning itself as the definitive reference point for your firm. This ensures consistent understanding and alignment across your entire team.

4Degrees has a robust reporting and analytics platform, allowing immediate insights and in-depth data exploration. It offers live overviews of crucial metrics such as relationship dynamics, fundraising status, and deal progression. This ensures you have the essential data, empowering you to make informed investment decisions.

The platform’s relationship intelligence capabilities analyze the strength of your team’s relationship networks to surface warm introductions and identify the best path to a company, expert, or investor in seconds.

To help you build stronger relationships, 4Degrees alerts you when members of your network have made investments, started a new job, or other signals that help you stay abreast of your firm’s network, nurture relationships, and source new investments.

As a system designed for VC investors, our onboarding and customer support teams understand your firm’s processes and workflows and will ensure you constantly get the most value from your CRM.


  • Designed for VC Teams: 4Degrees has preloaded workflows and nomenclature that match your firm’s existing processes.
  • Dedicated Customer Support and Success Teams: are available via chat, email, and phone to provide you with the best support, troubleshoot issues, and ensure you get the most value from 4Degrees.
  • Competitive Pricing: 4Degrees is priced competitively compared to other vendors and offers flexible subscription options.
  • Multiple Integrations: Integrate with other pieces of your tech stack, including Google Drive, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Salesforce, etc.


  • Not a Transactional CRM: There are better options if you are looking for a CRM to track a sales process.

To see how 4Degrees compares to other CRMs, check out these comparison pages

4Degrees vs. Affinity

4Degrees vs. Deal Cloud

The Right Tool For The Job

In an industry where relationships are the core pillars and your most valuable assets, you need a tool backed by a team that understands your needs. Trying to adapt to a CRM system designed for linear transactional sales processes does not make sense for your firm.

If you want to leverage your firm’s most valuable asset by fully cultivating and harnessing the power of your team’s business network, you should request a personalized demo of 4Degrees, the only Relationship Intelligence CRM built for VCs by VCs.

During the demo, we will review your firm’s specific use cases and show you how 4Degrees can empower you to close more deals faster.

Meet The CRM Built For Deal Teams.

4Degrees is tailored for the sourcing, relationship, and pipeline activities that drive your business.
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Meet The CRM Built For Deal Teams.

4Degrees is tailored for the sourcing, relationship, and pipeline activities that drive your business.
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